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Writer's pictureJorge Quiros

Studies for the work and the work of studies

Updated: Apr 4


The idea of the magnum opus, masterpiece, and of the artist working methodically like an architect and a builder of a cathedral generally floats around in the imagination of those who admire art. The work of human genius exists indisputably, it is expressed, however, through diverse and even unpretentious means.

When I draw or paint, I want to achieve this magnificent work, but often it simply does not appear as my taste desires, despite having worked hard and with the awareness of seeking its realization. Other times, however, forgetting the thought of eagerness for the work and producing sketches and studies carelessly, I see that something of what I once longed for in my search for the work has manifested in them. A distinct glow, a mysterious shadow, clear signs of an unusual and solitary process, end up being shaped in what we consider - when we propose to do it - a simple practice of studies... incessant drawings, relentless search for the ideal, it is born when we no longer believe we are with him, which forces us to devote ourselves to the search for him again, in a renewal of creative instincts and productive forces. I recently carried out some pencil studies, I didn't intend to make them anything too finished, but a fleeting and simple study of physiognomies, but after completing them, in the silent conversation I have with my works, looking at them I see what they tell me about its singularities, about its potential, and I see it already crowned, as if nothing more could be added to it. Studies are, as I have always felt, part of the work, if not the work itself. The work in its ideal already manifests itself in the studies, the sequence of which makes us see more of the work then hidden in the imaginary world, creating the work. What we consider a finished work is just a mature vision of it, but life is already in the studies, and as life is created through its unfolding phases, we can consider a study as a work which constitutes the precursor of a mature work, both being, however, the same work. What the uniqueness of the study reveals to us, makes it unique, therefore, a work, it is the studies of the work that demonstrate to us the work of the studies.

PS: The accompanying images are from some studies I recently carried out.

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