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Writer's pictureJorge Quiros

The charcoal portrait of 25.3.24 - considerations on the naturalness of the drawing:

Updated: Apr 4


... But among the pencils that I had originally intended to take, a charcoal pencil emerged from the box that I had bought some time ago and that I had even studied a few weeks ago; when this charcoal pencil jumped out of the box where I keep the other pencils, something rose up in my mind, attracting me to use it, something called me to use it...

O desenho a carvão de 25.2.24 desenho  a lápis carvão - considerações sobre a naturalidade do desenho

The charcoal portrait of 25.2.24, considerations on the naturalness of the drawing:

By charcoal portraits I see myself producing them, charcoal pencil drawings, already broken in half, are revealed by the night of production...

... I often produce at night, if you'll pardon the medical recommendations, the silence, not only in terms of noise, but in terms of atmosphere, inevitably invites me to remain in front of it, lady of the night, under the creative impetus... the hours go by at dawn while I'm awake, but immersed in the process. ... yesterday I didn't produce, so I needed to do it today, the tireless days of practice have taught me not to procrastinate, so at around 3:30 in the morning, I took out the box where I keep my pencils and thought: more pencil drawing practice, I'll do it with pleasure!... But among the pencils I'd originally intended to take, a charcoal pencil emerged from the box that I'd bought some time ago and that I'd even studied a few weeks ago; when this charcoal pencil jumped out of the box where I keep the other pencils, something rose up in my mind, attracting me to use it, something called me to use it, but what's curious: it wasn't a loud call, it was something subtle, like a gentle inducement to sleep. ... it was broken in half, its tip hadn't been polished and it was deformed from previous uses, but none of that mattered to me, what mattered was using it... then I opened one of the photos I use to practice portraits - I do them by reference to photos because I don't have models - and there was a photo of a model with remarkably voluminous red hair... voluminous hair, even more so like this model's, is a challenge when drawing, which can tire the hand before you even think about drawing it when it's a normal state of temperament... but that didn't intimidate me, it didn't encourage me, I didn't need courage, I was just under the subtle sea of inspiration, under the confident hand of genius... I started sketching as I always do, the shapes came naturally, and the hair... the hair I did subtly, I mean naturally, without effort, without fighting with the shape, just by putting the right tones in the right places, under the right orders, masses of shadow conversing amicably with slender curved lines, heavy locks and strands of hair, I knew exactly what to do and what to draw, by tracing shadows, the volumes and strands of hair were simply revealed, in such a natural way that I couldn't help but disapprove of them, it was already there, forms revealed, the model forged under this charcoal drawing...

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